Have the pounds been creeping up on you in recent times? Do you find your pants getting tighter and tighter, and you need to get larger size clothes? Its also embarrassing when friends say, “Wow, you have become nice and round.”
Putting on extra weight also carries with it negative health implications. The World Health Organization (WHO) now say that overweight and obesity has become a worldwide epidemic. Being overweight may put you at a higher risk of leading to chronic health conditions, such as stroke and heart disease.
Putting on the pounds can have serious implications on your health. One consequence of being overweight is its effect on your liver. When fat builds up in the cells of your liver, it can damage the liver and then may lead to scarring (a condition known as cirrhosis) that can eventually shut your liver down completely. Symptoms may not appear until the damage is done. The damages on the liver is 2-3 times higher in people who are overweight. Excess weight puts more strain on your joints and on the cartilage that protects the ends of your bones, causing pain and stiffness. More body fat also triggers more inflammation. Just losing 5% of your body weight will take pressure off your hips, lower back, and knees. (That’s dropping from 200 pounds to 190.) Being overweight also increases your “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Belly fat is linked to insulin resistance. Your body makes insulin, but your cells can’t use it properly to get glucose out of your blood. People affected by obesity are about 10 times more likely to have high blood sugar. About 9 out of 10 people who get type 2 diabetes are overweight. Losing weight can help lower your blood glucose levels and that can help prevent complications from diabetes. Built-up uric acid in your body can form needle-like crystals that make joints like your big toe, ankle, or knee hurt. The likelihood of a flare from gout goes up as a person becomes overweight. Being overweight may also bring about high blood pressure as your heart has to pump harder to get blood to all of your cells. This puts a strain on your heart. That force pushes on your artery walls and may be damaging them, increasing the risk for heart disease and stroke. About three out of four patients with high blood pressure have obesity. Obesity — and the diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and inflammation — can make your arteries become thick and stiff. High blood pressure and Diabetes are the two biggest causes of kidney disease. Your kidneys filter blood and help control your blood pressure. But they can’t do their jobs when they are damaged due to obesity-related conditions. That can lead to a dangerous buildup of waste in your body. Being overweight can be a risk factor for sleep apnea, narrowing of your airway during sleep, making it harder to breathe at night. You might snore loudly or stop breathing for several seconds over and over. When that happens, you aren’t getting the restful sleep you need. Why suffer all these consequences by being overweight? There is a natural solution to overcome these problems with being overweight. HijamaEnergetics now offers a 6-month Overcome Overweight Ailments. We only use natural healing modalities such as Hijama, herbs nutritionals, microcurrent therapy and bioenergetic remedies. Contact us to get started on your road to safe and natural weight loss.
HijamaEnergetics for Safe and Natural Weight Loss
Now you can lose the extra pounds in a safe and natural way. Don’t have to mess around with those crash diets, where you may lose some weight in the beginning only to regain back all those pounds. HijamaEnergetics Overcome Weight Ailments uses only natural healing modalities such as Hijama, herbs, nutritionals, microcurrent therapy and bioenergetic remedies.
Questions? Contact:
Amin Shah
Shahclan HijamaEnergetics
Boston, MA -USA
Phone 617-787-5151 (Landline)
Email: aminshah@shahclan.boston