Overcome Bladder Problems the Natural Way

by Dec 14, 2024Uncategorized0 comments

Struggling with bladder problems can make your life difficult. Bladder problems can include overactive bladder where you need to run to the bathroom often. Also includes the inability to hold urine flow which is called urge incontinence. Urinary tract infection can also cause problems in the bladder.

Tracey Seipel, ND says, “Urinary incontinence becomes much more common with age, especially for women. It’s assumed to be a normal part of ageing, but it doesn’t have to be. Being proactive about bladder health and taking some steps to improve bladder function can bring about good bladder control in later life.”

An overactive bladder is a condition where you are not able to hold urine in your bladder due to involuntary bladder muscle contractions. It can make you feel out of control. You may not be able to make it to the bathroom without peeing when you get an intense urge to go. And you may get this urge just from hearing water running. The result can be discomfort, embarrassment, and anxiety. Urge incontinence occurs when an overactive bladder spasms or contracts at the wrong times. You may leak urine when you sleep or feel the need to pee after drinking a little water, even though you know your bladder isn’t full. You may also feel the urge to pass urine 8 or more times in 24 hours. This sensation can be a result of nerve damage or abnormal signals from the nerves to the brain According to The Simon Foundation and The National Association for Continence, one-third of mature adults and half of older adults, regardless of gender or cultural background, experience incontinence at some point. But here’s the kicker: medical experts warn that bladder problems tend to escalate over time. Ignoring your bladder health now means setting yourself up for more significant issues down the road. So, taking action today is not just wise – it’s necessary. One of the ways in which you can help your bladder function is to cut down on caffeine as it irritates your bladder walls. Caffeine also acts as a diuretic, meaning it causes you to urinate more. Since caffeine is in coffee, teas, colas, energy drinks, and chocolate, you may find it hard to go cold turkey. Try cutting out caffeine slowly. Another way is to eliminate nicotine, if you smoke. By eliminating caffeine and nicotine, you can greatly reduce the symptoms of urge incontinence. If you need help to quit smoking, contact HIjamaEnergetics to ask about our smoking-cessation programs. Another way to improve your bladder function is to do Kegel exercises. Kegels strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that hold up the bladder. They also help reconnect nerve impulse communication between the bladder and the brain. Strong pelvic floor muscles mean fewer trips to the bathroom and less bladder leakage. The correct form for Kegel exercises isolates the pelvic muscles to squeeze and strengthen them. In the beginning, try doing Kegels lying down so you’re not fighting gravity. Place one hand on your belly and breathe out. Keeping your butt, stomach, and thighs relaxed, contract your pelvic floor muscles—visualize pulling inward and toward your head, then hold that squeeze. If you are still having bladder problems, contact HijamaEnergetics. We only use natural healing modalities such as Hijama, herbs, homeopathics, nutritionals, emotional healing, microcurrent therapy and bioenergetic remedies.

HijamaEnergetics to Overcome Bladder Problems

If you are suffering from bladder problems such as overactive bladders, urge incontinence, urinary tract infection, contact HijamaEnergetics today. We only use natural healing modalities such as Hijama, herbs, nutritionals, microcurrent therapy and bioenergetic remedies. Contact us today to get relief from your bladder problems.

Questions? Contact:
Amin Shah
Shahclan Boston – HijamaEnergetics

Boston, MA -USA
Phone 617-787-5151 (Landline)
Email: aminshah@shahclan.boston